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Outdoor activities to make your kids care about environment

Positive interactions with nature is an integral part of healthy child development and should…

‘We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.’ – Chief Seattle

Positive interactions with nature is an integral part of healthy child development and should start as early as possible for your little one. The best way to get your child to care about the environment is to increase their interactions with Mother Nature as children learn best through life experiences.

However, with today’s urban lifestyle, children do not get as many opportunities to interact with nature. These are some simple outdoor experiences that you can create to introduce your child to the wonder and joy of being close to Nature.

Go on a bug hunt

You don’t necessarily have to go out in the wilderness to give your child a slice of nature. You will be surprised to find out that there is so much to explore in small nooks and corners of your own backyard, city parks or a patch of overgrown unkempt greenery. Take a magnifying glass along with you and search these little green spaces for caterpillars, ladybugs and even some spiders.

Have a picnic in the park

If the kids have been itching to spend some time out, it’s the perfect opportunity to pack a lunch basket and have a fun picnic in the park. Find a cozy little spot, spread out that blanket and let your kids run around in the greenery while you quietly catch up on that book you’ve been wanting to read for a while now.

Spend some quality time

Encouraging them to sit still and connect with nature is another activity that can be done in the park too. Find a quiet corner and just sit with your little one and watch the clouds pass by and the birds fly by. Talk to them about the things they see and explain to them the wonder, awe, and joy that nature can bring in their life. When you can be calm with a child, and point out what you observe as if it is incredibly special and magical, they will be more likely to imitate your attitude.

Plan a nature scavenger hunt

Finding lost treasures always gets children excited! So, why not plan a scavenger hunt out in nature? This way, your child will be encouraged to explore nature in a new way. You can make it innovative by including the little details of your surroundings, flora, and fauna, etc.

These activities will not only help your child develop a positive attitude towards the environment but will also help with their emotional, social, intellectual and physical benefits too. Our Earth is the best learning laboratory your child will have access to, so dab on a bit of sunscreen and step out to have some fun today!

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