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How To Overcome Math Phobia: Fun Tips For Kids

Millions of children worldwide experience math anxiety or even math phobia. This anxiety affects their potential for coping with concepts that are essential for their academic achievements. It goes much beyond the dislike of math; this kind of anxiety will act as a significant barrier to learning and appreciation. Realizing the problem is the first step towards solving it.

Match numericals

This blog helps parents and educators with fun strategies to engage kids and shatter math phobia. We believe in transforming the dreaded and feared subject of mathematics into one of exploration and enjoyment. We would do so by using practical tips and innovative approaches to help kids confidently and curiously approach math, turning fear into a lifelong love of learning.

Understanding the Fear of Maths

Math phobia can severely impact children’s academic trajectories and daily lives. More than just disliking or feeling a little uncomfortable with math, it is characterized by intense dread, which manifests in various forms, like the inability to comprehend math, engage in other math-related activities, or feel panicked when confronted with math problems. 

Math equations

This fear is frequently triggered by the pressure for better results (performance anxiety), a history of bad experiences, or one’s belief that one is naturally not good in mathematics. It is, therefore, important to identify these signs early on since math phobia affects children’s attitudes toward their self-esteem and learning in general. By understanding what it entails and its manifestations in children, we’re better positioned to provide the appropriate support and interventions that can help them overcome this challenge and develop a healthier, more positive relationship with math.

Causes of Mathematics Phobia

The roots of mathematics phobia can often be traced back to a blend of personal experiences and broader societal attitudes towards the subject. One main cause is negative experiences during the learning process. These could result from being embarrassed by making mistakes in public, like in a classroom, or not receiving enough help when trying to comprehend math concepts that are often quite elusive. These circumstances could, in turn, lead to fear, avoidance, and serious problems with Math, which cannot be taken lightly. 

Another significant contributor is the societal attitude towards mathematics. It is often portrayed as a subject only meant for a ‘genius,’ setting an unattainable standard enough to scare away many learners. This portrayal can lead children to believe that being good at math is an innate talent rather than a skill that can be developed over time with practice and patience.

Additionally, early educational environments may inadvertently contribute to math phobia. If math is taught through rote memorization over understanding and creative problem-solving techniques, students may never grasp mathematical concepts. This lack of deep understanding can make math seem intimidating and inaccessible, further fueling the fear of math.

Understanding these causes is crucial for addressing and overcoming math phobia, as it allows for a more empathetic and supportive approach to teaching and learning mathematics.

How to Overcome Math Phobia

Hands-on learning

Engaging children with hands-on learning allows them to perceive abstract mathematical concepts as real and easily graspable. By using physical objects, kids can visually and physically grasp what numbers and operations truly represent, making the learning process more concrete and less intimidating.


Overcoming math phobia essentially takes a great deal of practice. The more familiar one is, the more confident they can be. Parents and teachers should, therefore, develop a system where regular small sessions for the practice of math are ensured for the children. This will make the kids familiar with the subject but not overwhelmed.

Games and Puzzles

Games and puzzles make mathematics an enjoyable adventure. For example, Plugo Count combines physical game pieces with digital interactivity. This multisensory learning makes math playtime. This innovation will surely help students master the skills of math and change their attitude toward math learning positively.

Perceive math as a creative subject

Math is a pretty creative subject, so it will engage the child in a world of exploration and innovation. Let the kids realize that math is not about the right and wrong answer but about creative problem-solving and thinking outside the box. Then, they will be more likely to engage in the subject.

Encourage peer learning

This can be quite useful. By working in pairs or small groups, children can share knowledge, discuss ideas, and learn from each other. The added element of socialization through peer learning can make learning math less daunting and even fun.

Apply it to the daily routine

Share math in your child’s daily activities. Measuring ingredients for a recipe or budgeting a small allowance, among other activities, will help them realize how relevant and practical math is in everyday life. This will help them demystify numbers and operations by showing kids some real-world applications of math skills.

Hire a tutor

teacher teaching

A tutor would be able to pay one-on-one attention to the child and instruct according to their needs and pace of learning. With their skills, they would undoubtedly make a big difference by using strategies that would connect with the child and make learning easier and less overwhelming when it comes to issues with math.

Math Phobia Symptoms

Behavioral Signs

​​A few behavioral signs of math phobia may include avoiding homework or school activities that involve any form of mathematics. It is also common for children to postpone their mathematics assignments and demonstrate a sudden lack of interest in schoolwork. Quickly giving up on math problems or expressing anger and frustration during math activities are other signs of your child experiencing mathematics phobia. 

Emotional Signs

Emotional signs of mathematics phobia include when children exhibit excessive worry or stress about math, leading to feelings of inadequacy or a belief that they are unable to understand math concepts. This can manifest as anxiety before math tests or a general sense of anxiety when math is brought up.

Physical Signs

Physical signs can include complaints of stomach aches or headaches before math lessons or exams, which do not have a medical basis but are rooted in the anxiety math provokes. Children might also experience sweating, trembling, or even mild panic attacks in situations where they have to engage with mathematics.


This paper has shed light on math phobia in children by having a look at the causes and symptoms of it and, more importantly, strategies to overcome it. We discussed what makes children nervous regarding maths, what happens when it faces them, and how we can assist them in overcoming this phobia by building up strategies such as integrating maths into daily life, engaging in hands-on learning, or finding a personalized tutor. Emphasis on the creativity of math and peer-driven learning were also strong themes as effective practices in enhancing confidence and interest in math.

Overcoming math phobia takes time, forbearance, and a positive attitude from both educators and parents. These strategies will help shift the perception of mathematics in a child’s mind from anxiety to growth and exploration opportunities. All any child needs to overcome a phobia of math is understanding, encouragement, and time—each child will do this in a different way.

Let’s commit to making math a more approachable and enjoyable subject, fostering a generation of learners who are not only proficient in math but also passionate about its endless possibilities.


  • How common is math phobia in children?

Math phobia is quite common among children, with studies indicating a significant number of students experiencing anxiety related to math. This anxiety can vary in intensity from mild apprehension to severe phobia, affecting a wide age range of learners.

  • Can math phobia affect a child’s overall academic performance?

Yes, math phobia can negatively impact a child’s overall academic performance. The stress and anxiety associated with math phobia can lead to avoidance behaviors, reduced participation in class, and lower achievement not only in mathematics but also in other subjects.

  • When should professional help be sought for a child’s math phobia?

Professional help should be considered if a child’s math phobia is severe enough to interfere with their daily life or academic performance. If a child consistently exhibits extreme anxiety, physical symptoms, or an ongoing decline in math-related grades, it might be time to seek guidance from educational psychologists or specialists in math education.

  • Are there any specific tools or resources you recommend to help children overcome math phobia?

For tools or resources, interactive and engaging apps like Plugo Count, math-focused games, and puzzles can be very effective. Additionally, websites offering structured yet fun math exercises and personalized tutoring services can also provide the necessary support to help children overcome their math phobia.

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